Embracing the Vision


  • Reaching every culture, engaging all generations, and expanding the Kingdom of God. Learn about the multi-3 (M3V) at Pentecostal Temple.

  • We are pursuing the M3V so that we will be FREE.

    Fulfilling the Scriptures | Reflecting our name | Embracing our denominational DNA & vision | Ensuring our longevity

The Multi-3 Vision: M3V

What’s the M3V? The M3V stands for “multi-3 vision.” It represents the three core qualities that our church pledges to consistently pursue. We are in pursuit of becoming and maintaining a multicultural, multigenerational, and multiplying church.

How does multicultural component work?

We will achieve the multicultural component of the vision through intentional relationship, integrated worship, and culturally diversified leadership.

How do we embrace multigenerational worship?

The multigenerational component of the vision will be executed by five methods: succession planning, shared responsibilities, generationally diversified leadership, cultural compromise, and age-appropriate worship.

How will the vision of multiplying be achieved?

Our vision of multiplying will be through utilizing evangelism, church planting, outreach, outdoor meetings, big days, assimilation, and advertisement.

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